Sonel Products by Aatiq Power Solutions India Pvt Ltd.

Product Name Product Description
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High voltage  Insulation tester To check the insulation resistance of an insulating material or Cables by applying varying voltage from 250V to 10,000 V, and with the capability of measuring resistance till 40T ohm.
Thermal Imager To identify the temperature scanning of the measuring device. Thermal Resolution: 160*120; 388*280; 640 * 480. Temperature range: -20C to +2000C
Earth Resistance Measurement To identify the earth resistance using 2p, 3p, 4p, 3p+Clamp, 2 clamp, impulse method
Wire tracer & Cable Fault Locator To identify the route of the cables lying underground & identify cable fault location of the cables lying under
Multifunction testers To measure all possible measurements (Insulation testing; Loop Impedance; Earth resistance testing; RCD)
RCD tester For Industrial maintenance
Loop Impedance measurement By measuring the impedance of the circuit, the prospective short circuit current can be calculated
Multimeter For Industrial maintenance
Clamp meter For Industrial maintenance
Power Quality Analyzer : India’s first LCD display power quality analyzer with IP 65 rating, Class A & Class S Compliance Meter. We also extend in providing power quality solution using Active & Passive harmonic filter as per CEA Norms.
Infrared Thermometer : For Industrial maintenance
UV camera : Detection and monitoring of surface arc and corona discharge in the power industry
Low Resistance Measurement : Instruments designed for testing electrical junction’s motors and power transformers windings
Programmable Appliance testing : Digital meter is used to measure the parameters of electrical equipment (power tools, white goods, etc.) which determine their safety: resistance of protective conductors, insulation resistance, continuity of connections, leakage current, power, automatic measurement of all RCD parameters
Laboratory Equipment’s : Used for Resistance and temperature and Resistance Calibration
Light Measurement : Digital light meters for measurement according to EN 12464 standard
Leakage Current Alarm Signal : To control (measure) leakage current in AC, low and medium voltage power networks. It is designed to make measurements; which results define the network’s safety condition for leakage current.
Cable fault Locator : DC cable fault testing from 8 KV up to 350 KV using Burn mode and Surge mode. TDR mode using 1. Arc-Reflection mode 2. Impulse Current Mode 3. Voltage coupling mode & 4. Automatic test procedures.  
High Voltage Test system : High-voltage testing system HVT and HVTS perform DC high-voltage testing of power cables (IEC 60502-2), power cables accessories (IEC 61442) as well as AC high- voltage testing of switchgear, reclosers, dielectric insulators, high voltage dischargers (arresters), bus bars and other dielectric materials with relatively low electric capacitance.  
Oil BDV : Oil testers bring out accurate and repeatable results of measured breakdown voltage. Fast high-voltage switch o time makes it possible to carry out the test of dielectric liquids, which are easily destroyed under such situations